$227.00 USD

4 monthly payments

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

By making this purchase you are agreeing to the Retreat Terms and Conditions

Ireland 2024 Four Part Payment Plan

You're One Step Closer to a Happier You!

Our four-part payment plan is designed to give you flexibility while covering necessary administrative costs. With an initial deposit of $227, you can then make three subsequent monthly payments of $227, bringing the total cost to $908, which includes a fee to cover our increased administrative efforts and potential risks. 

Dates: 22-24 March 2023

Kinsale, Cork, Ireland

Please note that you are responsible for your meals and lodging. We will send you accommodation suggestions once you have signed up. 

If you prefer to pay the full amount, please click here to return to that option.

Remember, every step you take is a step closer to a more fulfilled, happier you. We can't wait to go on this journey together!